Tag: SaaS applications
CSA: How Can You Strengthen Google Workspace Security?
Source URL: https://www.valencesecurity.com/resources/blogs/why-application-specific-passwords-are-a-security-risk-in-google-workspace Source: CSA Title: How Can You Strengthen Google Workspace Security? Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses the security risks related to Application-Specific Passwords (ASPs) in Google Workspace, emphasizing their vulnerabilities and the need for stronger authentication methods. It provides practical security tips to mitigate the risks associated…
CSA: How to Prepare for Inevitable Risks to Your SaaS Data
Source URL: https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/blog/2024/09/26/how-to-prepare-for-inevitable-risks-to-your-saas-data Source: CSA Title: How to Prepare for Inevitable Risks to Your SaaS Data Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses the increasing threat of cyber attacks and the inadequacy of traditional cybersecurity measures in the context of modern cloud platforms and SaaS applications. It emphasizes the need for…
CSA: The Cloud Security Layer Cake: Modern Use Cases for PAM
Source URL: https://www.cyberark.com/resources/blog/the-cloud-security-layer-cake-modern-use-cases-for-pam?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_gt5EFcvm4gCuiCXyFKSoILG6ID&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9Km3BhDjARIsAGUb4nzTAEHEr_9J1A3PQdpJ3hp8zCei6U7KU_TFoGpYRMra9jN5vi66xbgaAuiEEALw_wcB Source: CSA Title: The Cloud Security Layer Cake: Modern Use Cases for PAM Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses the critical importance of privileged access management (PAM) within a multi-layered IT infrastructure, likening effective security strategies to a well-constructed chocolate cake. It emphasizes tailored controls and best…
CSA: The New York Times GitHub Breach
Source URL: https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/articles/the-new-york-times-github-breach-what-you-need-to-know Source: CSA Title: The New York Times GitHub Breach Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text highlights a significant security breach involving The New York Times and GitHub tokens, emphasizing the critical need for Machine-to-Machine security practices. It illuminates the implications of using overprivileged tokens and underscores the vulnerability…