Tag: network resilience
Slashdot: Cloudflare Blocks Largest Recorded DDoS Attack Peaking At 3.8Tbps
Source URL: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/24/10/03/2034235/cloudflare-blocks-largest-recorded-ddos-attack-peaking-at-38tbps Source: Slashdot Title: Cloudflare Blocks Largest Recorded DDoS Attack Peaking At 3.8Tbps Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses a significant distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack campaign impacting financial services, telecommunications, and internet sectors, with a peak attack size of 3.8 terabits per second. This unprecedented volume highlights the…
Hacker News: Is Tor still safe to use?
Source URL: https://blog.torproject.org/tor-is-still-safe/ Source: Hacker News Title: Is Tor still safe to use? Feedly Summary: Comments AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses the de-anonymization of a Tor user that may have resulted from a targeted law enforcement attack on an outdated application, Ricochet. It underscores the importance of maintaining up-to-date software for…