Tag: FinOps

  • Cloud Blog: Reduce unexpected costs with the new AI-powered Cost Anomaly Detection

    Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/cost-management/introducing-cost-anomaly-detection/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: Reduce unexpected costs with the new AI-powered Cost Anomaly Detection Feedly Summary: Controlling runaway spend and minimizing unexpected costs is a priority for every business. Imagine a scenario where faulty development or rogue code results in a usage spike over the weekend, unbeknownst to you. If not caught…

  • Hacker News: IBM acquires Kubecost

    Source URL: https://newsroom.ibm.com/blog-ibm-acquires-kubecost-to-broaden-hybrid-cloud-cost-management-capabilities Source: Hacker News Title: IBM acquires Kubecost Feedly Summary: Comments AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: IBM’s acquisition of Kubecost signifies a strategic move to enhance its capabilities in managing hybrid cloud costs through improved visibility in Kubernetes environments. This development is particularly relevant to professionals dealing with cloud cost management and…