Tag: dataflow
Cloud Blog: New Cassandra to Spanner adapter simplifies Yahoo’s migration journey
Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/databases/new-proxy-adapter-eases-cassandra-to-spanner-migration/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: New Cassandra to Spanner adapter simplifies Yahoo’s migration journey Feedly Summary: Cassandra, a key-value NoSQL database, is prized for its speed and scalability, and used broadly for applications that require rapid data retrieval and storage such as caching, session management, and real-time analytics. Its simple key-value pair structure…
Hacker News: Reducing the cost of a single Google Cloud Dataflow Pipeline by Over 60%
Source URL: https://blog.allegro.tech/2024/06/cost-optimization-data-pipeline-gcp.html Source: Hacker News Title: Reducing the cost of a single Google Cloud Dataflow Pipeline by Over 60% Feedly Summary: Comments AI Summary and Description: Yes **Summary:** The text discusses methods for optimizing Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Dataflow pipelines with a focus on cost reductions through effective resource management and configuration enhancements. This…
Simon Willison’s Weblog: yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark
Source URL: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Nov/6/yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark/#atom-everything Source: Simon Willison’s Weblog Title: yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark Feedly Summary: yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark Nicholas Carlini introduced this personal LLM benchmark suite back in February as a collection of over 100 automated tests he runs against new LLM models to evaluate their performance against the kinds of tasks he uses them for. There are two defining features…
The Register: Google Cloud burst by 12-hour outage in Germany
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/25/google_cloud_frankfurt_outage/ Source: The Register Title: Google Cloud burst by 12-hour outage in Germany Feedly Summary: Inconvenient power failure and cooling issue struck one zone, but the pain was widespread Google Cloud apologized on Thursday after its europe-west3 region – located in Frankfurt, Germany – experienced an outage lasting half a day.… AI Summary…
Cloud Blog: From Cassandra to Bigtable: Database migration tips from Palo Alto Networks
Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/databases/palo-alto-networks-migrates-from-cassandra-to-bigtable/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: From Cassandra to Bigtable: Database migration tips from Palo Alto Networks Feedly Summary: In today’s data-driven world, businesses need database solutions that can handle massive data volumes, deliver lightning-fast performance, and maintain near-perfect uptime. This is especially true for companies with critical workloads operating at global scale, where…