Tag: AGI
Slashdot: DataBreach.com Emerges As Alternative To HaveIBeenPwned
Source URL: https://it.slashdot.org/story/24/11/07/0620237/databreachcom-emerges-as-alternative-to-haveibeenpwned?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed Source: Slashdot Title: DataBreach.com Emerges As Alternative To HaveIBeenPwned Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: DataBreach.com, a new service from Atlas Privacy, enables users to check if their personal information has been leaked, offering a more extensive search than Have I Been Pwned. It emphasizes privacy by performing checks locally…
Simon Willison’s Weblog: yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark
Source URL: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Nov/6/yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark/#atom-everything Source: Simon Willison’s Weblog Title: yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark Feedly Summary: yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark Nicholas Carlini introduced this personal LLM benchmark suite back in February as a collection of over 100 automated tests he runs against new LLM models to evaluate their performance against the kinds of tasks he uses them for. There are two defining features…
The Register: Thanks Linus. Torvalds patch improves Linux performance by 2.6%
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/06/torvalds_patch_linux_performance/ Source: The Register Title: Thanks Linus. Torvalds patch improves Linux performance by 2.6% Feedly Summary: 21 lines that show the big man still has what it takes A relatively tiny code change by penguin premier Linus Torvalds is making a measurable improvement to Linux’s multithreaded performance.… AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary:…